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User Reviews for: John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

10/10  5 years ago
Gun Fu, Gun Porn, Stylized Ultra violence, call it whatever you want, but, one thing is certain, John Wick 3 delivered it all, and then brought you second and third helpings. Tom Cruise gets a lot of cred for doing his own increasingly elaborate stunts for each M.I. installment, but I'll see you EVERY stunt the couch jumping Mr. Cruise has done his ENTIRE career, for the first two action sequences in this movie ALONE! Also, Keanu Reeves isn't just harnessed to a plane or rappelling down the side of a building and leaping across roof tops. Reeves weapons handling and combined intricate fight sequences aren't the result of Steven Seagal style quick cuts, Fast and Furious edits, post SFX, or tricky camera angles to disguise whats actually happening. It's VISCERAL, because the camera lingers on the mayhem so that the viewer can savor each strike, slash, stab, and gunshot, and ALL the accompanying carnage. Not in Sam Peckinpah slo-mo, but in real time, yet, somehow, one is still able to take it all in, and then the sequence would end, just about the same time you remembered to BREATHE!


Yes, it's over the top, but this is the world John Wick inhabits. A culture of hired assassins, an entire society, existing just beneath the surface of the one you and I can see, the one the rest of us inhabit. A society with rank and file members, management, service, and executive classes, and RULES. And it is the rules, which have kept order from devolving into chaos for hundreds of years, that have made them "different from the animals".

For the love of his deceased wife, a car, and a puppy, John Wick reached his proverbial "last straw". (John Wick 1) For his loyalty to a blood oath, which was broken, he violated a cardinal rule, and was marked for death. (John Wick 2) Yet, using those same rules and oaths, (and his particularly unique set of skills) he was able to braid for himself a life-line, tenuous as it was, but a life-line nevertheless. The powers that be cannot allow that to happen, and seek to intimidate, punish, and if necessary eliminate each of those who extended him a thread of that line, even if they technically only "stretched" the rules. What they have failed to realize is that John Wick's reputation as the "Baba Yaga", the proverbial Boogie-man, is not only well earned, but, if anything, it is UNDER stated.

Those who were paying attention saw that we actually DID get quite a bit of origin/back story on the eponymous Mr. Wick, as well as a glimpse into the world of the contract killers, as to how the contracts are put out, and the hierarchy that pulls the strings behind the scenes. I look forward to seeing this expanded upon in future installments

Kudos and Props this installment to Iron Chef Mark Dacascos and a host of other Asian Martial Artists as the closest thing John has to true competition, yet, they are at the same time fanboys who geek out at getting a chance to fight him.

To Halle Berry, for NAILING her fight sequences, then being a trooper and not quitting when her scenes cost her a couple of broken ribs. Her character obviously has some issues with the menfolk, considering how many she shot in the "kibbles and bits. Also props to the trainers of her two pups, and the stunt men for allowing same said puppers to gnaw precariously close to their kibbles and bits until she shot them. OUCH!

In case you doubt me:


To Laurence Fishburne, for making sure that Neo still has Morpheus as a Mentor, even if you "sometimes have to cut a Mo Fo".. All we need now is Carrie-Anne Moss' Trinity to show up in the inevitable Part 4, and all will be right in the Universe. (make it happen writers)

10 out of 10 - Best of the 3 so far IMO
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CONTAINS SPOILERS2/10  4 years ago
Not sure why this franchise gets so much hype.
This particular installment has nothing that makes me go: wow, great action movie.
That's not because there's no action in it. Quite the opposite, yet the action is just dumb.

The dialogues are stupid. There's basically no story whatsoever, no plot other than "John Wick survives the most absurd stuff".
It's very often quite absurd without being selfaware - with a few exceptions, like the opening knife fight. That was entertaining in its hilarious absurdity. That was the only thing entertaining, though.
Fight choreographies are ridicolous overall. You can see the "enemy" actors holding their position, arms, legs, ect. for Keanu to do his part instead of reacting to the actual fight. Most of the time they are simply way too passive.
Maybe that's more of an issue with the cut, though.
Weapons are conveniently unlimited ammo when (film)shots need it, while in other situations Wick loads for example a shotgun with two round but can fire like 5-7 times. Overly brutal killings of enemies with headshots when they are already down. Usually with surprisingly atrocius CGI gunfire. The opening knife fight? CGI and gummy knives everywhere.
This movie is just more of the same without any merits. It goes the same direction as the Underworld franchise.
Just that this movie is quite nonsenical all around in addition. And for what? A fourth installment, of course!
The only good thing for the 4th movie is Wick working with King to bring down this assassin's guild as it seems. That seems to be at least some plot to be had in the future.
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/10  11 months ago
Ummmm, wait a minute, what just happened? Where's the cool? Why are all the bad guys comical and unthreatening? What happened to the addictive world-building nuance? Nonstop action isn't a story, it's just a long scene. You need lulls in the action for it to have impact and interest. Driving at two hundred miles an hour along a never-ending straight road is just boring. Please let chapter four revert back to what we love about this world.
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Andre Gonzales
/10  11 months ago
Another action packed movie. He's kicking a lot of butte and getting his butte kicked a lot too. Good movie.
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Per Gunnar Jonsson
/10  5 years ago
Let’s make one thing perfectly clear. This is a movie you watch for the action and not much less. But then, that not really a surprise is it?

The movie takes off literally minutes after the last one ended. John Wick is on the run and that’s the story for most of the movie. Well, not entirely. He does have a plan but first he has to escape the many assassins trying to cash in the 14 million dollar bounty on his head.

This movie is all about action. The movie is R-rated although I honestly do not understand why. Sure there’s lot of action and a lot of killing but still, I wouldn’t say it merits an R-rating and apparently the French ratings organisation didn’t either since here in France it France it got a 12+ rating. That is, it is only restricted for those younger than 12 years.

Anyway, as I wrote above, this movie is all about Keanu Reeves and action. Lots and lots of action which usually ends up in one or more persons getting killed by John or some of his remaining friends.

Is the story and the action realistic? Hell no! But it is fun to watch even though most of the bad guys shoots as accurately as imperial storm troopers. Most of the time at least.

Towards the end I did think it got a bit silly. The fight against Zero and his last two students was pretty rubbish. It was kind of kick, hack and slash for a few minutes and then stand of and wait until the other guy got up again. Then rinse and repeat. Silly indeed.

Also, they could really tone down on the ludicrous survivability of John Wick. I mean, come on! He gets hit by cars and walks away. Not to mention the final scene were he falls something like six seven floors, bounces (and I mean bounces!) off a fire escape and a trash container and apparently survives.

I probably should rate the movie a star less for that kind of stuff but I wont. This is something as refreshing as a Hollywood movie apparently meant to entertain and nothing else. There’s really no political or social preaching or any other such nonsense which is really rare today. That alone gives it a few extra stars in my book.

The movie has a 7.7 rating on IMDb at the time of writing this which is well deserved, even a bit low. Even the rubbish SJW site Rotten Tomatoes claims the movie is “fresh” which is surprising given what I wrote above.

Of course there is a whole bunch of “reviews” that claims it is so bad and so on and so forth. Some of these reviews are actually repeated several times. That really pisses me off since these people seem to write reviews just to complain. It’s the third movie in the Franchise for Christ sake! You knew what you were getting yourself into. Don’t watch the movie if you do not like these kind of movies. Claiming there is no story is bullshit since the first one didn’t really have much more story but then the concept was bit more new of course. Some “reviewer” claimed it was the worst movie he had ever seen. He cannot have seen many movies then. What a load och bollocks!

Bottom line, this was two hours of great entertainment.
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