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User Comments for: Dances with Wolves

nmahoney416 says...
6 years ago
There was very little dancing and only one wolf.

But seriously, this is great. A little long and slow, I watched the extended cut. Kevin Costner and Graham Greene are both good. Still a little upset this beat Goodfellas for best picture.
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Reply by Keldian
9 months ago
@nmahoney416 There are two wolves actually, if you stick around until the credits roll.
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Draackje says...
12 years ago
Loved it. Beautiful shots of the American prairie and its animals. The story is slow at times, but there are so many great scenes that it's worth it. The story is done many times (pocahontas and avatar come to mind), but this is an excellent effort, where I genuinely hated the army guys and got really intrigued by the Indian way of life. Of course there should've been more nuances (not every Indian should be a good guy, not every American should be violence-obsessed), and the movie should've been shorter, but overall it's a great movie, with many many great shots!
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Reply by NiggasInParadise
8 years ago
@draackje I actually think yin yang concept you mention was addressed in the film. With the indians you of course have the pawnee that are enemies. In the extended version you also have the fact that [spoiler]they kill the hunters who killed all those buffalo for their tongues and hides[/spoiler] and the main character has a hard time coping with it. For the military guys you have the liteunant/general guy in the end who actually somewhat bonds with the main character, albeit very briefly. <br /> But yes of course, this could be highlighted a bit more.
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Rcarter25 says...
6 years ago
I Just Finished This Amazing FILM WOW I wish they would of cut it shorter 3 Hours and 55 Minutes is TOO LONG now I enjoyed The Clever Writing and Theme For This Movie However Wats Scored it a 9/10.. The Films Pacing was just too much to bear.. But this definitely a Masterpiece.. I don't use that Term Loosely.. Probably Kevin Costner Greatest Performance as a Lead WOW
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Mr. Sackamano says...
4 years ago
Šung'manitu Tanka O Waci!!! Do you not see that you are my friend!!!
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Keldian says...
9 months ago
An extremely sluggish movie. I can see the appeal from cinematographic and directorial aspects, but I can't imagine anyone born after 1985 will tolerate the length of it, even without having ADD.

Also riddled with cheesy contrivances. Like the wolf who just pops up out of nowhere and starts following the character around in a manner completely uncharacteristic of wolves, clearly only inserted as a setup for the character to get his nickname and has no bearing on the story. Then the run-in with a tribe that happens to have adopted a white woman who happens to lose her husband and turn damsel in distress in the nick of time of the main character being in range, serving as an all-in-one bundle of: token for entry into the tribe, translator, and love interest. Add several more situations that make the lieutenant look noble hearted or heroic even though they're just circumstance or lottery-winning levels of luck.
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Astranora says...
6 months ago
A lovely slow burn movie... It's nostalgic to see a movie from the times around my birth.

I can't help but feel every healthy human with have taken the route of Dancing With Wolves under the same conditions. There's a certain peace to be observed in living in simpler ways.

I wonder if a newer generation has the patience to appreciate this type of movie.
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JoeyvanAwesome says...
8 months ago
This movie is so good that the long runtime doesn’t bother me. Although I understand that the 4 hour version might be a bit much for some people, even for an amazing movie like this. Still, it’s such a well paced and beautiful story with an breathtaking scenery to top it all off. Even if you watch the longest version, you could do a lot worse with your time.
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paulocosmojr says...
5 months ago
apparently many animals suffered during the recordings. This is unjustifiable
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Spiritualized Kaos says...
2 years ago
Kevin Costner dancing with a bunch of Oscars.
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Mr. Sackamano says...
8 years ago
Dont watch the Director's cut....almost ruined the movie for me...waaaaay too long only to add nothing worth remembering...still love watching ol Sunkmanitu Tanka Owaci get Spivey haha good times...."good trade"
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Onofre Bouvilla says...
3 years ago
Level "Interesting" • 7 :heart: • Entertaining and Good.
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