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User Comments for: David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet

ladysherlockian says...
4 years ago
The film features stunning photography of nature and wildlife, and is definitively worth-watching and thought-provoking. I love David Attenborough's accent, he speaks so clearly and understandably that the film can be recommended to people learning English even at lower levels. The ecological message was great for the feast of St. Francis. I did not like the idea of eoncouraging people to reduce the number of children they have, it looks like a bad idea as in most developed countries there is already problem with negative natural increase so it would have a bad effect on these countries. I also wonder about re-wilding the planet and introducing sustanability, would it not lead to job loss among people employed in industries related to overexploitation of nature? Caring about nature is very important but people are far more important than animals. I also disliked the part in which humans are called a species of animal, they are much better than that as they have immortal souls which animals do not possess. Choosing between animal and human welfare, humans are alaways more important.
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Reply by vrill
4 years ago
@ladysherlockian While I agree with your comments' first half, the second part has me scratching my head a bit.<br /> <br /> Thanks to lower child mortality rates, women empowerment and due to rising cost of raising kids the fertility rate globally is in a decline. This is currently a good thing. Data shows the rate to increases again after we hit a certain development threshold, so don't be too dismayed. Read more at https://ourworldindata.org/fertility-rate<br /> <br /> Why re-wilding the planet would be a good thing is essentially what the documentary is all about. The planet is one eco system dependant on a delicate balance to work optimally. I knew industries raising chickens and cows merely to be eaten wasn't sustainable, but I was shocked at the numbers being quoted how big a portion that is. We've tamed the world and today there's no need for it. Farms should mainly be for human plant-based food, with animals being a natural aid for local eco systems (making up a whole) - just like the Serengeti.<br /> <br /> Jobs will just transition from the exploiting soon-to-be-obsolete industries to sustainable ones. Machines and systems now take care of a lot of hazardous and mundane jobs humans used to do. However, someone's gotta design, engineer, maintain and manage those parts. New, "better," jobs will emerge as history is inclined to show us.<br /> <br /> Growth doesn't lie in fossil industries or exploitable areas, something a few banks and pensions have yet to realize... IMO this is why having a good education based in STEM is of utter importance, as it can be applied in virtually any field you choose to work in and will enable you to easier transition between jobs or industries if needed.<br /> <br /> People being more important than animals can be debated endlessly. I'd say objectively we're equal and the only reason we would be deemed more important is because we literally have the ability to save animals facing extinction. On the contrary, what we've done to practically exterminate plenty of innocent species is an argument against us being the most important one.<br /> <br /> We're literally a species of animal. That's a simple fact and thankfully it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Having a "soul" is yet to be proven, that's just us humans thinking we're extra special or unable to cope with the fact of our lives being finite.<br /> <br /> Choosing between animals and human welfare is a silly proposition. The idea of understanding how things function is maybe the greatest specialty humans have, and it would be very unwise of us to choose not to utilize that for the greater good of our planet.
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Reply by ilija-ovic
4 years ago
@ladysherlockian Apparently you didn't get the message, or you didn't watch the last ten minutes of the movie. <br /> [spoiler]"It is not about saving the planet, it is about saving ourselves."[/spoiler] Nature and life will prevail and persevere, as it has always rebuilt after previous mass extinctions too, if given enough time. <br /> Humans on the other hand will not survive in the long run, especially if we keep reproducing and treating nature as something less than ourselves that we can just take from and destroy endlessly. Nature and humanity don't have to be separate, they can re-learn to co-exist in harmony, as they did before.<br /> <br /> Also, what comes after death is your business, but that doesn't mean you have the right to treat other beings on this planet with less respect. They all have a place on this world and are not harming the planet, unlike us.
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Reply by justin
4 years ago
I highly recommend reading the book “Dominion” by Matthew Scully. I also used to have ideas of human superiority, but the reality is we are uniquely entrusted with caring for the entire natural world. This book is an extremely important read.<br /> <br /> https://us.macmillan.com/books/9780312319731
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Reply by fernandochvs
4 years ago
@ladysherlockian imagine being this dumb.........
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Reply by csconstant
4 years ago
@ladysherlockian do you not see that the future of the human race is dependant on sustainability? Did you even watch the program? It's not a choice between animals and humans, it's between mass extinction and survival for all living creatures (and yes, humans are living creature and a species of animal- your dumbest comment).<br /> Oh and the idea that someone's job destroying the rainforest is more important than protecting countless species of animals and plants which help sustain life is just preposterous.<br /> There is so much ignorance on your comment I just have to pull you up on it. If the only thing you got out of this was a quick English lesson you need to rewatch and actually listen to what he is saying.
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