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User Comments for: Follow Me

sp1ti says...
4 years ago
Depending on what you expect out of Season 2 of Scare Pewdiepie this might be a "OKish" watch but ultimately I wasn't really that engaged in it. They certainly surprised me with how visceral they started out the game but the rest of the movie didn't really match that. It was setup as the "ultimate" escape room experience but the main guy certainly didn't handle this like a VLOGger would nor were there really any "puzzles" justifying that title. I also noticed the same as @catsy did; certain parts felt extremely stealth game-esque rather than cinematic. There also happens some stupid "horror" movie stuff which sealed the "meh" experience for me [spoiler](but most of that can be explained away by the twist)[/spoiler]. [spoiler]That twist they're able to hide quite well imho since it's layered but it also opens the movie up for even more plotholes... it's frankly just not believable that they managed to trick him with all those FX without him noticing that it's all bullsh*t.[/spoiler]
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