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User Comments for: I'm Thinking of Ending Things

Jordyep says...
4 years ago
Normally, I like Charlie Kaufman, but this is him at his most pretentious.
Not that it’s all bad, I actually liked most of the first long scene in the car.
It’s the kind of scene that will make many casual viewers dismiss the film right away (due to its length), but I thought it set up both of our leads very well.
Then they arrive at the parents’ house, and my opinion on the film did a 180.
It does what every annoying art movie does (not saying all art movies are like that, I like a lot of them): everything starts to get weird for the sake of trying to be interesting, but without any artistic reasoning.
For example, the acting becomes a nonsensical mix of very grounded performances (our leads) on one side, and extremely heightened, cartoony perfomances on the other side (the parents).
Also, the cinematography is pedestrian at best, and I fail to see the reasoning behind the chosen aspect ratio (unlike films like _The Lifghthouse_ or _Mommy_).
Just stick to writing, Charlie.

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Reply by The_Argentinian
4 years ago
@jordyep the aspect ratio was chosen for the claustrophobic feeling. Did you really need to see the outside of the car? The house is small, so it worked there too.<br /> <br /> Also, "pretentious" as criticism is code for "I'm too stupid to get this. Why the filmmaker has to be ambitious instead of feeding me simple things?"
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Reply by Jordyep
4 years ago
@the_argentinian Get off your high horse. First of all, I’d advise you to watch _Mommy_, a film that used this aspect ratio for a majority of its scenes in order to create an actual feeling of claustrophobia when needed (so not for the entire movie, as that wouldn’t make sense, which is also the case here), and did it way more succesfully, I might add. Second, yes, I agree that some people pull out the ‘pretentious’ card too quickly, that doesn’t mean that such a thing doesn’t exist. Believe it or not, but some people do actually get what the film is trying to convey, they just don’t like how it’s being done. That doesn’t make them stupid. To me, the definition of stupid comes closer to people who write smug, pseudo intellectual comments in poor English.
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Reply by The_Argentinian
4 years ago
@jordyep no, the definition of stupid comes closer to people who criticize other's people second language while they don't even bother to learn their first. <br /> Also, people who say shit like this "everything starts to get weird for the sake of trying to be interesting, but without any artistic reasoning. " Maybe you should stick to Netflix teen comedies.
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Reply by Jordyep
4 years ago
@the_argentinian I hope you realize that English isn’t my first language either? That’s something a smart person would’ve checked on my profile before writing such an embarrassing comment. Setting that aside, what I’m saying is: if you want to be smug, that’s fine, but at least make sure you articulate yourself eloquently. Don’t come with a ‘stick to teen comedies on Netflix’ attitude when you can’t even argue your own points thoroughly, or even properly for that matter. Until then, this conversation is done.
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Reply by ShrimpBoatSteve
4 years ago
@jordyep Remember that having a different opinion now is equivalent to being a Nazi! I agree with your sentiment and the pretentious arty crowd who look down on those that do not like a film and therefore 'are stupid' wears thin here. Unfortunately, Kaufman has a cult of believers and can do no wrong in their eyes. I enjoyed the film for about 90 minutes and then grew bored of the continuous attempts to announce 'do you see how clever I am? .. do you understand?' Yes, it was fairly obvious after 60 minutes it was all in Jakes head, now get over it.
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kieranlittleuk says...
4 years ago
This film is so weird and so beautiful, felt kinda slow but great acting and cinematography and a strange and interesting story. Probably one of my favourite films of 2020 so far, behind Palm Springs. No one plays an awkward person quite like Jessie Plemons (Todd from breaking bad)
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faithful soul says...
4 years ago
It's a Charlie Kaufman film so don't expect something simple and easy to explain to your friends. This is a mind-altering, existentialist nightmare of a film, and that isn't a criticism. The fractured narrative equates to fractured memories, and as bizarre as the film is, it can resonate with any one of us.
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drowninginfeels says...
4 years ago
Garbage. I hated it. I despise a movie that tries to be deep and fails so miserably because it’s just plain pretentious. Complete nonsense. Waste of two hours and some minutes of your life.
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michellecgb says...
4 years ago
I wish I could say I liked it, but I didn't and I don't think it's meant to be an enjoyable film. It comes off as pretentious and it tries to make you think it's more complicated than it really is. The film also makes you feel uneasy, simply because there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for the weirdness. It reads like an existential crisis because that's what it is, that's what we're watching. And it also makes you feel this philosophical terror you can't really put into words. However, I already forgot all about the movie, it had no lasting impact, and I won't be watching it again.
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brujeria says...
4 years ago
i'm thinking of ending this movie
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KarateCh0p says...
4 years ago
A bunch of thoughts voiced as if they're unique and eye opening by a hipster girl. The only way this film could of been redeemed is if her boyfriend shot her and the last words she heard were "shut up you pretentious, hipster bitch."

I could see why someone would enjoy this film. Especially if they weren't one for creating their own complicated thoughts. It'd make them feel sophisticated, indie & like they're being enlightened.

On the other hand, the cinematography was delightful.
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obscurityshero says...
4 years ago
I was super excited for this. Eternal Sunshine is one of my favorite movies of all time, and I love, love, love Being John Malkovich. But this fell pretty short for me. I loved quite a bit about this film: The acting, the cast, the cinematography, the idea -- I haven't read the book, but I did do some research on what this film (potentially) means, and I had a much better appreciation for it afterwards. But jeez, this was a slog. I felt every minute of the 2 hour 15 minute runtime, especially after the first act.
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TvWatcha3 says...
4 years ago
3 Thoughts After Watching ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’:

1. I was beyond excited to see this after reading the book — a book that kept me on edge and creeped out the entire time. The ending was wild and left a lot up for interpretation. I was hoping the film would address so many of my questions. Instead, it became something I ultimately didn’t even care about. An awful adaptation.

2. The insight I had from the book kept me watching the film. I can’t even comprehend how ANYONE who didn’t read the book could make it all the way through, let alone understand how everything was connected.

3. The best parts of the book (yes, I can’t help but keep comparing) were the horror elements. These were completely removed. I’m all for a reimagining, but for the better. There was so much potential here. And with incredible talent. All lost.
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Reply by emilyblasik
4 years ago
@tvwatcha3 Couldn't have said it better myself.
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asiacrisp says...
4 years ago
Words cannot describe how stupid, awful, and depressing this movie is.
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fenkins says...
4 years ago
Right... So cast was great

About all the rest, what was all that, by the way? Anyone figured out?
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