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User Comments for: Monster Hunter

mattdeezly1996 says...
4 years ago
This movie offers a unique experience. It gives you one of the most genuine and undoctored glimpses into the soilless eyes of corporate Hollywood

There is no love for making movies
There is no love for the source material
The only interest is making something with the specific goal of being a "Blockbuster".
There is nothing to it but the intent of making money.

There's legit nothing to this movie.
Every shot you see is made just for cool trailer moments....
The Characters have no life or personality to them, They don't make any emotional connection with the any viewer I feel.
The acting........
There's no real plot or pacing
The effects can be good at times but its far and few in-between
The fighting and action scenes are rendered useless with the unprecedented amount of jump cuts done in editing....

I enjoy movies that might have glaring flaws, or even be considered bad, I'm not a heartless critic... But there are no redeemable qualities about this movie.
You can't even spin it as a "So Bad It's Good" movie, its just that incompetent on every imaginable level.

0/10 - Genuinely
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Reply by outspoken
4 years ago
@mattdeezly1996 I was going to comment on the movie, but after reading your shout decided to just upvote your take on it.
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Reply by angelcosta
4 years ago
@mattdeezly1996 I think people need to know this is based on a game and it does an AMAZING job at being faithful to the source.
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Reply by Lainfan
4 years ago
@mattdeezly1996 Corporate anywood is more accurate, since it is a collaboration between studios from USA, Germany, Japan and China. The monsters also look quite okay, so i have to disagree with there being no redeemable qualities. Other than that.... yeah looks like you covered it all hahaha
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Reply by mattdeezly1996
4 years ago
@lainfan Why make a movie if the only thing enjoyable from it is CGI of monsters? There's still a lot of run time, so... It does not really feel like its redeemable
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Reply by GS10
4 years ago
@mattdeezly1996 I painfully put up with about half an hour of it and I managed to come to the exact same conclusion. I hated Skyline all those years ago for all those reasons and Monster Hunter somehow was looking even worse.
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