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User Comments for: Mortal Engines

mercuriorosso says...
6 years ago
"A mechanical, soulless dystopian theme park ride to nowhere."
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faithful soul says...
6 years ago
Difficult to get into at first - there's barely any hand holding in this brave new world (even if it is just London on wheels) - but once the story developed and a little history was learned, I started to enjoy it more. Visually fantastic, although a little too much CGI at times, this is worth a watch, especially for Londoners who most certainly haven't seen their home city depicted like this before!
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paulidin says...
6 years ago
Nothing made sense, the characters were all boring, the dialogue sounded like it was written by an eighth grader, there's no real sense of danger or importance to any actions, the kindest way to describe the plot is that it was a poorly constructed rip-off of Star Wars: A New Hope, and there were way too many macguffins. The special effects looked neat but that doesn't make a good story. And the romance? There was more chemistry between Hester and the cyborg than her alleged love interest. Just... just awful.
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Reply by ABSTRACTlegend
6 years ago
@paulidin haha this was def a Star Wars rip off.
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Davezn  says...
6 years ago
Ignore the bad reviews. I really enjoyed this movie. Great special effects, good pace, interesting story line. Well worth a watch.
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iSpySciFi says...
6 years ago
Good ol' sci-fi. I will admit firsthand, I am a sci-fi nerd. I loved this movie. The critics will say what they say. I am not going to prove them wrong or anything, but I loved this. Go ahead and watch it, don't listen to snobs who say otherwise! Cheerio!!
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anthoney65 says...
6 years ago
To be fair, there were parts of this movie that were fantastic. Some of the effects, the fighting, and the scope were good. The problem is these things were not brought together well. They started plotlines and then just let them dangle. They seemed to expect us to have some foreknowledge.

In some ways it seemed like there were several different movies edited together. The whole save and brought up by a Terminator was just out of the blue.
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toblakai says...
6 years ago
Don't listen to the critics - this was a really enjoyable movie to me. If you enjoy a little fun and an unpretentious movie then you'll like this. To me it's in the same category as Wild Wild West and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow.

It's a nice, easy watch without all the pretention, a lot of Steampunk association and almost nostalgic in its disregard for cultural film critics' opinions.

Perfect for a Wednesday or Friday evening alone with something to drink as company.
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NegR77 says...
5 years ago
I totally enjoyed this movie, And I have no idea why people keep criticizing it!
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