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User Reviews for: Nightmare Sisters

CONTAINS SPOILERS2/10  5 years ago
Watched with the guys this week, this was my pick... And I don't think the guys will give me another pick for a long while. Whoo boy... Not sure I deserve one after this.

80s sexploitation horror that's WAY heavy on the nudity and much lighter on pretty much everything else: horror, special effects, acting, editing, common sense...

This could have *very* easily been a half-hour episode of some horror show or part of an anthology. Instead, every scene drags on waaaay too long... In one early scene, one of the girls is going through all the stuff she picked up at a flea market: they go through near every item in her box of stuff before getting to the (evil somehow) crystal ball that's been sitting on top of the pile the ENTIRE TIME. But yeah, lets give a few minutes to talking about the salt shakers she picked up... All to pad the run time, get it near that 1:30 mark (only hits 1:23, but feels longer).

High points: they knew they were making a shit movie and it shows... at one point someone throws a bag of "herbs" at the demon/mannequin/final-bad-girl. The sound effect when it hits is literally a mouth fart. Lots of little things like that throughout the movie.

Low points: nearly EVERYTHING else. Pretty much every horrible aspect of the 80s you'd wish would disappear from memory, congratz! Here's your reminder. So much casual homophobia, racism, sexism... We've watched some pretty horrible movies where we've been able to laugh at how dumb and awful they were... This is the first where I actually wanted to stop watching.

We always rate movies after we watch them, one of the guys keeps stats on our movies: this is the lowest rated we've seen.
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