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User Reviews for: The Blind Goddess

/10  2 years ago
Eric Portman was ideal for this part. His clipped phraseology and static style of acting suited his character - barrister "Sir John Dearing" down to a T. He is called up to prosecute "Waterhouse" (Michael Denison) who has been accused by "Lord Brasted" (Hugh Williams) of trying to blackmail him for the enormous sum of £20,000. Having reach the upper echelons of the British government, accusations of large scale bribery and embezzlement force a court case that grips the land. There are letters, accusations of infidelity, forgeries and a courtroom informality that I found quite enjoyable for just under ninety minutes. The ending has a sort of stiff-upper-lip convenience about it which rather disappoints, but the rest of this drama is well propped up by a solid cast - Anne Crawford and Nora Swinburne primary amongst them - and the courtroom intrigues have just enough complications to keep it interesting.
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