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User Comments for: The Bucket List

BenFranklin says...
13 years ago
A must see inspirational movie!
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DRNKMNKY says...
9 years ago
Brilliant acting by Nicholson make up for a rather mediocre story, which sounds much better than it turns out (but even Nicholson's outstanding performance does not turn The Bucket List into a great movie).

French movie "Intouchables" shows how such a story SHOULD be told and is the much better alternative (even though one has to mention that the plots are not that similar, but the whole settings of the movies are).
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CinemanicBonkers  says...
6 years ago
I've seen a few times, only gets better every time and It's got a great message, both actors work great together and I recommend putting it on your bucket list XD
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cisnenegro says...
8 years ago
I losted my father a month ago and this movie touched my heart deep down inside. I love Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, and I loved this movie. Great picture.
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1010011011 says...
10 years ago
Nikola Tesla's obvious humorous sarcastic remark "Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using 17 of my patents." has been widely misunderstood by mankind.

The mentioning of coffee Luwak besides Nikola Tesla had nailed to my chair for the rest of the film. There should be more movies like this. Morgan Freeman did a great job in translating the role of a person in which some of us recognize ourselves.

Jack Nicholson on top of the pyramid "Alright I'll bite..."
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WhyNotCallMeRo says...
2 years ago
She hates me!
Do you hate me?

Not yet…
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HeronAnc says...
2 years ago
I watched this movie waiting an emotive and funny story, but I've received what looks to be a christian and capitalist propaganda with strange CGI moments. Despite having great performances of two great actors, I felt the movie treated the terminal illnesses in a kind of superficial way and the situation in an idealistic way.
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drqshadow says...
5 years ago
Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson play two strangers, yin and yang of the modern world, who meet under dire circumstances and embark on a quest to live their final days as if there's no tomorrow. Which, given their diagnosis, might not be so far from the truth.

It's got a good heart, but the two legendary leads don't get much script to really sink their teeth into and the trouble they find together often crosses from quaintly naive to downright unrealistic. To me, there was far more of interest in the relationship between Nicholson's grumpy, wannabe-refined old miser and his ironic, long-suffering personal assistant than between Jack and his calm, knowledgeable new travel partner.

Still, it has a cute concept, some fun moments, and it moves swiftly, avoiding the typical bog-down of most films of a similar subject matter. As easygoing, feel-good and optimistic a take as you'll ever get from a movie about dying of brain cancer, it's safe, light viewing for the family audience.
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kiermel says...
8 years ago
Una gran película que me ha hecho reír y llorar y sobre todo sentir. No esperaba menos de estos dos grandísimos actores. Morgan Freeman está sublime y Jack Nicholson no le va a la saga. Una lección de que nunca es tarde para hacer las cosas, buenas cosas por supuesto, y que no hay que desaprovechar el tiempo mientras puedas. Merece mucho la pena el tiempo que pasas disfrutando de esta película.

A great movie that made me laugh and mourn and above all feel. I expected no less from these two great actors. Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson is sublime is not going to the saga. A lesson that is never too late to do things, good things of course, and not to waste time while you can. Well worth the time you spend enjoying this film.
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Pontas says...
13 years ago
Gostei do filme saber que esta preste a morrer e com o tempo que resta poder realizar seus desejos, espero conseguir fazer o msm ate meu ultimo dia =]
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peteo says...
3 years ago
Well acted (including Jack Nicholson playing that standard character that took up the last half of his career) but a pretty average script. It reminded me more of one of those

It felt like the old man equivalent of one of those teen movies where the story is just a way to see people put on different clothes or try exciting things

One nice surprise was seeing Rob Morrow, who I hadn't seen for years
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