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User Reviews for: Cobra Kai

CONTAINS SPOILERS/10  4 years ago
Cobrai Kai is certainly one of the funniest and most captivating series I've ever seen, however many and many defects, I will make a brief comment divided by season:
Season 1 - It's extremely funny, the fights are average and the characters are good up, the real problem is the exacerbated fanservice and how things just fliped aside and didn't inane to trying to create something innovative and proper; the series has a yummy rhythm to watch, the jokes are good -- even the double-meaning --, but it has an incoherence in the action of the characters and the end was ridiculous and the bad romance:
Season 2 - The jokes remain good, broad character development, the problem is when she tries to get out of this paradigm of action and go to a more dramatic side, training, training, then comes at the end and is a complete ramming because the whole fight was because of a MÍSERO KISS! And the fight scenes weren't that good, they tried to put humor in the middle, it got too slapstick that, everybody at school fighting without even knowing why -- why? -- and to make matters worse the inconsistency in Robby's actions, the boy is training so much to learn to have balance, to be a calm person and such, but then, when Miguel apologizes and for the fight, Robby attacks him in a dishonorable and compassionless way, LEARNED WHAT IN MIYAGI-DO? In the fight between the two, in the first season, Miguel was unsportsmanlike- but because he was told to be like that -- without compassion --, unlike Robby who learned never to attack, only to defend himself and have balance in life, but managed to be bad character and make that scene forced of Miguel fall. Next season's probably going to suck.
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