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History's Greatest Lies


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Season 5  
1996: The Mad Cow Crisis
Episode 3
Disinformation and lies through omission: During 10 years, british politicians and lobbyists have worked to reduce the importance of the greatest food-industrial crisis since World War II. On March 20th of 1996, it eventually became public that the prion could communicate the «mad cow disease» to humans. At this time ten British citizens got a deadly disease, the Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. They were suspected to got it by eating infected meat.
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1996 The Mad Cow Crisis
1997: The Absestos Scandal
Episode 2
This is the greatest industrial killer of the XXth century. The story is not over yet. Around 300 new cases of «Absestos cancer» are reported each year in France. It would represent 100000 deaths until 2025. At the European scale this number grows up to 500000. This is also one of the most efficient industrial lobbying case in France’s History. This is an unthinkable manipulation led by financial interests. These ones led to the death of thousands of workers. Thousands of workers that no one has wanted or known how to protect.
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1997 The Absestos Scandal
1991: The Contaminated Haemophilia Bloodcase
Episode 1
How could France, one of the wealthiest country in the Western world let medical staff passed out HIV contaminated blood bags to thousand of patients. That is the question raised by hemophiliac, transfused people and their close relatives. They were indeed infected with HIV in the 1980’s through these contaminated blood bags. That is also the question raised by those who survived...
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1991 The Contaminated Haemophilia Bloodcase
Season 4  
1983: The Elysee Wiretapping Scandal
Episode 3
«Gentlemen, our conversation is over. I didn’t think we would stoop to such a degree of despicability. » The offended man speaking these words was François Mitterrand, the French President at the time. In March 1993, two journalists questioned him on the Elysée Palace wiretapping scandal which had just come to light. The President of the Republic denied everything and was disparaging. Who set up this formidable STASI-style intelligence mechanism? Who was pulling the strings? How did this hidden cabinet work? It would take almost twenty years of investigations to get to the bottom of this large-scale spying organisation.
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1983 The Elysee Wiretapping Scandal
1953: Tobaco the Industry of Lies
Episode 2
«Nicotine isn’t addictive». These words are the ones that the tobacco industry’s seven most important leaders pronounced in front of the United States Congress. It was April 4th, 1994. Four years later, they had to pay a $200 billion fine and to make their archives public. Deep inside these millions of pages that were classified as «confidential », the whole world learned of a large-scale strategy of disinformation and manipulation. Infiltration of advertising and science, political lobbying, pressure on journalists: complex mecanisms were put in place to create a smokescreen of lies for 40 years...
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1953 Tobaco the Industry of Lies
1998: The Monica Lewinksy Affair
Episode 1
Sex, lies and politics. How a sex scandal changed the face of the United States. «I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. These allegations are false.» Those were Bill Clinton’s words. It was January 26th, 1998. Looking straight in the eyes of his interviewers, the President of the United States lied live from the White House during a filmed press conference. Intimidation, manipulation, … «Monica Gate» was the greatest sex scandal that ever shook the presidency of the United States. An eye-opening demonstration of the mechanics of lies at the highest levels of the State.
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1998 The Monica Lewinksy Affair
Season 3  
2013: Lance Armstrong The Legend
Episode 3
On the 17th January 2013, in a cleverly orchestrated cathodic ceremony, the seven times winner of the Tour de France confesses to the queen of the talk-show, Oprah Winfrey, that he has been doped, using EPO, growth hormone and blood transfusions. But how did this American “hero” - stricken by cancer at the age of 25, returned to the height of competition through unfailing courage – build the greatest lie in the history of cycling, without anyone being able to stop him sooner?
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2013 Lance Armstrong The Legend
1991: The First Gulf War
Episode 2
On the 14th October 1990, before a US Congress commission, a 15 year old adolescent girl, Nayirah al-Sabah, gives a chilling testimony of the atrocities committed in a Kuwait hospital by Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi troops. Televisions around the world broadcast the speech. On the 17th January 1991, international forces launch the operation Desert Storm. It’s the First Gulf War. But this war was finally declared on the base of a lie, entirely invented by communication agencies, financed by the US government and Kuwait.
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1991 The First Gulf War
2008: The Madoff Affair
Episode 1 - 1-01-2019
12th December 2008, in the very midst of the financial crisis, Bernard L. Madoff was arrested and handcuffed in front of the media. This former stockbroker was behind the largest financial fraud in US history. 65 billion US dollars! This lie lasted for over 20 years ... How did this former lifeguard who had become a rich businessman by age 50 managed to convience so many institutions and wealthy individuals to entrust their money to him?
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2008 The Madoff Affair
Season 2  
1985: The Rainbow Warrior
Episode 3
March 1985, the Rainbow Warrior, the flagship of the Greenpeace fleet, was docked in Auckland, New Zealand. The environmentalists were organizing a large-scale act of protest in order to put a stop to French nuclear testing in Polynesia. On 10th July 1985, a dozen DGSE (French Directorate General of External Security) agents were stationed in New Zealand to launch an operation to sink the Rainbow Warrior at all costs. There was a huge scandal, “an act of state-backed terrorism, an act of war”, declared the New Zealand minister, Geoffrey Palmer. Mitterrand, who had known about the operation from the very beginning, attempted to defuse the crisis. An extensive and pernicious campaign kicked off.
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1985 The Rainbow Warrior
2003: The War in Irak
Episode 2
12th September 2002, George W. Bush assured the United Nations Security Council that Iraq was in possession of “weapons of mass destruction” and posed a threat to the United States, particularly through its links with Al Qaeda. “We have a first-hand description” of these installations of death, explained Colin Powell, the Secretary of State a the UN. However, it was all untrue. A fabrication thought up by a nobody and taken up by the American government who used this as the principal reason for the invasion of Iraq in 2003. A misleading propaganda with a major geopolitical setback.
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2003 The War in Irak
1972: Watergate
Episode 1 - 1-01-2018
1972. This is the greatest American lie of the twentieth century. Richard Nixon spared no effort to ensure his re-election on the 7th November: spying on his opponents from the Democratic party, wiretapping, stealing documents, using slush funds. A team of 50 people were recruited from within the White House to bring down the opposite camp and rig the election.Presidential lies, misuse of the government structure… The truth slowly came to light, right up to his resignation in August 1974. The most famous scandal involving corruption at the highest level of the leading world power, the lie that forced an American president to resign.
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1972 Watergate
Season 1  
1983: The Sniffer Planes
Episode 3
In 1979, in the midst of the second oil crisis, two eccentric inventors proposed to the French industrial oil giant, Elf, a concept for an aircraft able to detect oil deposits underground. Encouraged by « promising demonstrations », the French state administration eagerly backed the « avion renifleurs » …which turned out to be a complete hoax, and a financial swindle that would soon become a national scandal.
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1983 The Sniffer Planes
1944: Operation Fortitude
Episode 2
6th June 1944. The beaches of Normandy are the scene of the most spectacular military operation of all time: the Normandy Landings, a key moment that will alter the course of the Second World War. They owe their success, though, to a gigantic lie: a phantom army, armed with inflatable tanks and wooden rifles; but also to a whole network of double agents, most of them entirely fictitious. And leading this campaign of disinformation - the most sophisticated ever dreamt up – is one man: Winston Churchill.
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1944 Operation Fortitude
1915: The Sinking of the Lusitania
Episode 1
On May 7th 1915, the British trans-Atlantic liner Lusitania was torpedoed by a German submarine. The Germans justified the action by claiming that the ship was transporting concealed weapons. The Americans denied this, and used the disaster to help shift public opinion against Germany, and therefore justify their eventual declaration of war.
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1915 The Sinking of the Lusitania
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