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User Reviews for: Siren

6/10  5 years ago
The biggest problem with this show is the actors. Unfortunately a lot of them just really can't act. Among these people, Alex Roe (Ben Pownall) is the most annoying, just because you see him so much.

The writing okay, but it has weird moments. Sometimes the dialogue is a bit weird. Or the plot gets resolved a bit too abruptly or conveniently. Weirdest thing I've seen so far was the finale of the first season. It just had no real cliff hanger like the end of a season tends to have, to make you excited for the next season. Man, it did not even the minor kind of cliffhanger you normally have at the end of an episode. Nor did it feel like it was intended to be the end of the show. It was so bizarre.

Their more unique take on mermaids is refreshing though. Its a bit more dark and horror-ish. Kind of like they where on "Pirates of the Caribbean: stranger tides", but without there being one particular mermaid that's very different from the rest (like ridiculously good and innocent). Here the character of all the mermaids is a bit more consistent.

Overall, this show is definitely not something mind blowing. But its entertaining enough for me to keep watching it. Unfortunately there are very few mermaids shows/movies out there, so this one automatically goes in the top 3 for me.
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