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Yoga with Adriene


Streaming Episode Guide

Flow | Center | Move | Breath | Home | Dedicate | True | Revolution | Yoga Camp | 30 Days of Yoga | Specials | Top 5 Episodes
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As the tides continue to ebb and flow, this 30 Day Journey is yoga for those ready to enter a new cycle of balanced momentum. This series is suitable for all levels, and offers both modifications and enhancements for individuals far and wide to practice in a way that invites transformation, healing, and strength from the inside out. FLOW is a series of many different tempos that lead you by way of the breath to the discovery of different energetic states throughout your physical journey.
Day 30 - Flow
Episode 30 - 1-31-2024
You made it. I am so proud of you, in awe of you. Thank you for sharing your valuable time and energy with me and this incredible worldwide community. Today’s session is our final yoga practice of the journey. This video will be a little different from the rest, as it asks you to create your own practice in culmination of everything we have learned and practiced together. You have everything you need! You have your vocabulary, your action, your awareness and your alignment. You know how to tap into intuitive movement and trust. Connect to your inner voice and stay open, you may just feel a connection to something bigger as well. You are your best guide. I am, however, always here to help, to bolster, to ask questions with you and support your growth. This session is a celebration. Remember, in every end - is a new beginning. Wondering what to do next? Stay involved! Free yoga videos continue with our monthly calendars all year long!
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Day 30  Flow
Day 29 - Trust
Episode 29 - 1-30-2024
Building on the whole journey and especially the past 5 practices, today we use the vocabulary to find sensations through moments of movement that feel individual to you. We have worked with focus, rigor, softness, kindness and balance to develop a practice for finding FLOW. This session is all about the power of TRUST. Trust your intuition and keep an open mind. Learn rabbit pose (bunny posture) or maybe fly in crow! Heads up! Tomorrow’s practice is going to be a little different than the rest. Trust xx
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Day 29  Trust
Day 28 - Intuit
Episode 28 - 1-29-2024
As we near the end of the journey we enter into a beautiful practice of deep listening and trust. One that guides you toward cultivating a relationship with your inner voice with more opportunities to improvise and play and connect with something bigger than yourself. I am honored to be on this journey with you!
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Day 28  Intuit
Day 27 - Speak
Episode 27 - 1-28-2024
This Day 27 video is a requirement of this journey, so don’t think - just do it. Today's session highlights some of the powerful tools of a holistic approach to practice. And most importantly, it is an opportunity to say something kind to yourself.
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Day 27  Speak
Day 26 - Open
Episode 26 - 1-27-2024
With a free spirited entry, this heart-led session challenges you to practice being open. Listen and respond to what the body is sharing today as we bring awareness to the heart center. Get ready for heart-led warriors, cobras, and bow pose! Perhaps some alligator breathing too? Four more practices await after this! Stick with your commitment, you can do it!! The hardest part is showing up to begin. Let’s do it!
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Day 26  Open
Day 25 - Action
Episode 25 - 1-26-2024
Intuitive movement is key for being able to identify what your optimal flow feels like. Today we tend to the energy centers of the body through breath and physical practice.
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Day 25  Action
Day 24 - Create
Episode 24 - 1-25-2024
One of my favorite themes! In this session we continue to unlock creativity and celebrate intuitive movement through listening and responding. The ebb and flow of your practice emerges when you show up to be present with what is. Don’t decide where it ends…
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Day 24  Create
Day 23 - Root
Episode 23 - 1-24-2024
In this practice we find that inner recruit that supports the whole system. This session activates the root chakra and guides with an opportunity to learn how to activate certain areas of the physical body to shift energetic flow, build strength in the body and cultivate balance in the brain.
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Day 23  Root
Day 22 - Truth
Episode 22 - 1-23-2024
This practice is one of self inquiry. Building on the previous sessions, we will tune in, move, breathe and find support through practice. I am here to cheerlead you. Honor your truth.
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Day 22  Truth
Day 21 - Curious
Episode 21 - 1-22-2024
On day 21 we recognize a natural curiosity that grows about ourselves and others. Pay attention to sensations in your physical body and heart space - both - and the practice will communicate a lot back to you. This session is an invitation to observe and investigate without judgment. (Oh - and it's certainly okay to have fun too.)
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Day 21  Curious
Day 20 - Inward
Episode 20 - 1-21-2024
Day 20. This is huge. You made it to Day 20! And perfectly timed, we take this session to continue the journey inward. This session asks a lot of good questions and continues to cultivate and add new vocabulary to the physical practice. This is time well spent with yourself. (Thank you for letting me be a part of it!)Let’s go!
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Day 20  Inward
Day 19 - Ride
Episode 19 - 1-20-2024
Gratitude, take the wheel! This session is an important one that you won’t want to miss. Ride the wave of the breath as we practice coming back to gratitude. If you laugh, smile, fall or fart - it’s all part of the journey and discovery.
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Day 19  Ride
Day 18 - Meditate
Episode 18 - 1-19-2024
Slip into sukhasana for divine stillness and meditation! Let’s take today to invite a sense of peace and slow pause for both the physical body and our mental state. Today is all about renewal - a great opportunity to renew your commitment to showing up. I LOVE YOU! You are doing great! Enjoy!
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Day 18  Meditate
Day 17 - Rinse
Episode 17 - 1-18-2024
Way to go! You are my hero. This is the phase of the journey where we really get into the energetic highway that is your spine! Building off the previous practice, we will continue to explore vocabulary for letting go of what no longer serves and finding our current, optimal flow!
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Day 17  Rinse
Day 16 - Kindness
Episode 16 - 1-17-2024
Day 16 is sweet and a startlingly awesome opportunity to BE KIND. Reinstate loving kindness to yourself with this session. The hardest part is showing up. Keep showing up to the mat and together we will source the rest. Trust me, the second half of this journey is THE BEST! You got this.
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Day 16  Kindness
Day 15 - Balance
Episode 15 - 1-16-2024
Today’s BALANCE session invites you to dig deep into the subtle layers of your practice. This journey is about meeting yourself, your sensations and observations, and through regular practice - finding your flow. In this session we begin with a right/left hemisphere balance and move on to continue to use the asana to learn about ourselves and how we experience our bodies.
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Day 15  Balance
Day 14 - Welcome
Episode 14 - 1-15-2024
Welcome Day 14! Welcome you - and all that comes with you today! This is a new day to notice your energy, your emotions, and what thoughts are forming. We continue to explore yogic philosophy and use breath to initiate shifts.
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Day 14  Welcome
Day 13 - Ease
Episode 13 - 1-14-2024
With yesterday's focus on stability in flow, today we continue with a heightened focus on ease. Day 13 is all about marrying action with presence and ease. A beautiful practice for life, if you ask me.
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Day 13  Ease
Day 12 - Stability
Episode 12 - 1-13-2024
Welcome steadiness and ease. In this session we bring our focus back to the stability of the center line while embracing yogic principles as stated in the Yoga Sutras and yogic philosophy. Here we are reminded to tap into the inner world and continue to let go of the drive to perfect the exterior of fancy yoga poses. Be prepared to flow in this session and find steadiness and ease from within.
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Day 12  Stability
Day 11 - Soul
Episode 11 - 1-12-2024
This 16 minute session is a balm for the soul. Get ready to tap into conscious breath, stretch, and practice self massage. Yoga doesn’t only restore the physical body but the emotional and spiritual body as well. Take your practice to the depth that it wants to go. I am honored to practice alongside you.
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Day 11  Soul
Day 10 - Align
Episode 10 - 1-11-2024
The journey continues! With our day 10 practice we continue to develop a vocabulary in which we are able to use the breath to cultivate a more beautiful conversation between the mind and body. Today is all about moving any stagnant energy to allow the opportunity to align with something bigger than yourself and drop into FLOW.
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Day 10  Align
Day 09 - Release
Episode 9 - 1-10-2024
Day 9 uses the marriage of mantra and movement to encourage powerful release and a boost in relationship with yourself and what serves!
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Day 09  Release
Day 08 - Relax
Episode 8 - 1-09-2024
Precious day 8. A day to try a little tenderness with a soft and easy practice of rest. For this session you are welcome to bring a blanket or two and a pillow to the mat. (No worries if not.) Trust that this type of session is most valuable.
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Day 08  Relax
Day 07 - Sync
Episode 7 - 1-08-2024
Welcome to Day 7. One full week of tapping into the energetic body through regular movement, breath and yoga asana. This is a practice of synchronizing breath with the movement and movement with the breath in order to discover your flow. You are one week in and doing great. Remember there are no rules and you can drop any limiting expectations. The most important thing is that you show up. Even if it’s only to sync up with your breath and check in with your energy for the day. You got this.
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Day 07  Sync
Day 06 - Center
Episode 6 - 1-07-2024
CORE WORK for the win! Do you trust me? Join me for an 18 minute, core centering session designed to help you connect to the full spectrum of your core muscles holistically, as well focus the mind for optimal mental health. Check in with your center. Day six is my favorite. Who said core work had to be a hard hot mess? I love this approach. It’s efficient and impactful and leaves your nervous system feeling cared for. This practice is active, intricate and invites discipline of your breath. Don’t miss it
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Day 06  Center
Day 05 - Represent
Episode 5 - 1-06-2024
Day 5, oh baby! Our Day 5 practice is such a beauty. This practice reminds us how the way we carry our body can resemble or represent our innermost feelings. This session is also a guided invitation to make it your own, be intentional about the way you show up to move and breathe. Can you be gentle? Can you trust the wisdom of your body? The physical branch of yoga offers us the chance to better understand and get to know ourselves. Continue to show up for practice and focus on how you do so. It’s all happening. ✨ Represent you, on the mat. Represent!
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Day 05  Represent
Day 04 - Movement
Episode 4 - 1-05-2024
Movement can be such good medicine! Our vocabulary together expands as we take today to notice all the ways in which the breath can move you and guide your way. Your Day 4 session welcomes a Vinyasa Flow practice! Way to show up for yourself today.
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Day 04  Movement
Day 03 - How
Episode 3 - 1-04-2024
Hop on the mat for your Day 3 session that asks you to focus on how you breathe, how you think about yourself and others, how you move through the practice and how you move through the world. How you move matters. Let’s go.
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Day 03  How
Day 02 - Notice
Episode 2 - 1-03-2024
It’s Day 2 and with an important theme, a call to action, an invitation to drop the doing of yoga and reside in the role of the observer. When we practice in this way on the mat - we create an opportunity to move into a new presence. Get ready to stretch, to twist, and to listen to your breath, as you move your spine and connect with your body.
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Day 02  Notice
Day 01 - Set
Episode 1 - 1-02-2024
We kick off our first practice of the yoga series today! A session designed to set you up for success and help you set the tone for your experiences here as we grow through practice and understanding of our relationship to our Self. Set YOUR intention for the journey! Set your sails to - come as you are - for there is no other expectation. Learn how to use your breath to enhance and support your experience on the mat. You are ready, get set, let’s flow!
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Day 01  Set
Designed for whole body mental health, this 30 Day Journey is yoga for the here and now. This series is suitable for all levels, and offers modifications and enhancements for individuals far and wide to practice in a way that invites transformation, healing, and strength from the inside out. CENTER focuses on whole body strengthening with core centered practices. It is breath led and crafted like a good book. One practice or page, prepares you for the next. Expect to learn new things, go deeper in your practice, discover how to absorb your own self care, befriend Benji the dog, and practice yoga, meditation, breathwork, self massage, affirmation, sweat, stillness, and laughter.
This program is an invitation to move better, feel better, and improve brain and body function significantly. Movement is how we engage with life. So, how you move matters. This program tells a story and creates opportunities for experiencing and understanding what true health really means through the lens of yoga, movement, neuroscience, and mindfulness. Practice movement for processing, building muscle tone, releasing stress hormones, nourishing the nervous system, decreasing anxiety and boosting joy!
A whisper, a wave, a friend, a vehicle, a birthright, an opportunity to grow stronger, softer, closer to ourselves and one another. Join me for 30 Days of Conscious Breath.
An invitation, a welcome to discover and re-discover how good it feels to be on the Journey home.
Get ready to transform tired energy into useful energy! Invite change, beckon growth, and discover your own unique rhythm. Work your body, open your mind, and return to your heart. Dedicate.
Designed to trim, tone, and circle you back to - you. The true you. The truest. Mind, body and soul. Establish a connection to your deeper and unique self while shifting your body to optimal health! This fresh new 30 Day Yoga Journey is the ultimate at home yoga package for all all bodies and types. Set the tone for the new year by committing to 30 Days of showing up on your yoga mat. It’s the promise of tone muscles and inner peace. Self love through asana and reflection.
31 Days of yoga practice, an act of self love, a rigorous bootcamp, and an act of personal storytelling all tied up in a feel good bow. The goal: to be more present. Further results: feel more smiley, enjoy body image, sit taller, walk lighter, move with more ease, and have more energy for crushing it at life.
Yoga Camp  
Yoga Camp is the sequel to the first 30 Days of Yoga series. It's a free 30 Day "Bootcamp" for the Mind, Body & Soul. 30 Days Of Yoga for physical and mental health. Everyone is invited to camp!!
30 Days of Yoga  
Ease Into It
Episode 1 - 2-01-2015
Join Adriene on Day 1 of The 30 Days of Yoga journey! Ease into your 30 day experience with an open mind, kindness, and curiosity. Use this DAY 1 practice to take stock, check in with the body and mind. Begin the practice of slowing down, noticing, stretching and moving with ease. Commit to 30 days of breathing deep and listening. Acknowledge the distractions, the frustrations, the parts of the body that need more love or are in healing. Acknowledge it all! For this journey is about more than just a flexible, strong and tone body. It is about full mind, heart and body wellness. Begin here to set the foundation for a connected home practice. - FREE and in the comfort of your own home! Get empowered, find what feels good, listen to your body and let's have some fun! Cultivate positivity. Remember each day is different! The journey is the reward! See you tomorrow!
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Ease Into It
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